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New Members


OUR MISSION: The League of Women Voters of Colorado, a nonpartisan, political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

OUR PRINCIPALS: We support representative government that is responsive to the will of the people
and the individual rights described in the Constitution
       •   Protection of the right to vote
       •   Informed and active participation of the citizens who promote and share in the solution of economic and
            social problems
       •   Access to free public education
       •   No discrimination
       •   Efficient and economical government; adequate financing

When you joined League, you became a member at all levels. That includes Jefferson County (LWVJeffco), Colorado (LWVCO, and National (LWVUS  Each level has their own website. The structure of the League parallels our representative system of government with local, regional, state and national levels.  Members determine the policies and program at all levels of League.


There are over 700 leagues in this country.  There are participation opportunities at every level.  The Jefferson County League is the lowest official level of League, but because we are such a long county, we break ourselves up into UNITS.  Our units are generally geographically based.  You are more than welcome to go to any unit meeting based on time and your convenience.  It is important to select a unit regardless if you attend the units meetings or another meeting, because much of our information is distributed by the Unit Leaders.

      Click Here for unit meeting times and locations.
     To change or add your unit
        - sign in as a member
        - at the top, right-hand of the homepage, click on your
        - click on 'Basic Member Information'

        - scroll down to 'Metro Area' The Metro Area is synonymous with Unit.
        - select your choosen unit
        - scroll down and click on Save

       Click Here to view the New Member Orientation Powerpoint  


If you are having problems logging on to our website, registering for an event, or looking for information we have a summary to help you with the following:

  • How to Log In
  • Calendars on the Website
  • Register for an Event
  • Links to our position books
  • Every Member Materials
  • The Voter
  • Donations
  • Membership Renewal
  • Our Board and Officers
  • Membership Directory

Click Here  For Help on the above     


You can also go to the top blue bar and over the heading “About Us”

Click on “Website Tips”